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Erika-May completed a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology from McGill University and a professional training in Zootherapy. Erika-May’s journey led her to work with people struggling with various issues. Through these experiences, she realized that she wanted to find an alternative and unique way to support individuals and groups struggling with emotional, psychological, social or physical difficulties.

As an animal enthusiast, Erika-May noticed the multiple benefits and positive impact animals have on individuals. Her career and her passion for animals thus led Erika-May to undertake a course in zootherapy. Now a graduate, Erika-May and her animal companions aim to offer animal-assisted therapy tailored to each individual's specific needs and objectives. Her goal is, with the assistance of animals, to accompany individuals with various issues through their journey towards personal growth.





In the Eastern Townships, Khalizoo is dedicated to helping individuals that are struggling physically, socially, psychologically or emotionally. Growth is promoted through a zootherapeutic relationship aided by loving animals that do not judge. Khalizoo is dedicated to helping individuals in need travel a path of personal growth at any stage of life. At Khalizoo we value, authenticity, respect, compassion and non-judgment. Khalizoo believes in the positive impact of animals, which helps to continually motivate individuals in need. 


Khalizoo aims to create a true zootherapeutic relationship with its clients to facilitate personal growth and well-being.