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Our Services

Our Services


Zootherapy Offered in:







Zootherapy Sessions:

  • Include precise objectives and specific intervention strategies*

  • Include progress reports and continuous evaluations*

  • Are tailored to the interests and needs of the clients

  • Respect the rhythm of each client

  • Include collaboration between the Zootherapist and the client’s clinical team if applicable

  • Choose animals based on the objectives and goals to be achieved

*Zoo-animation does not utilize intervention strategies or evaluation components


Services Offered:

Individual and group sessions addressing:

Physical needs

  • sensory/motor skills, coordination, muscle tone and laterality

Social-emotional needs

  • socialization/social skills, management of emotions, self-esteem, self-confidence and autonomy

Cognitive needs

  • sensory integration, learning, language and communication, logic and reasoning, attention/concentration

Themed activities:

Precise needs

  • Such as: stress management, fear of animals, emotion regulation, healthy communication, etc.

Specific holidays

  • Such as: Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Easter, etc.


Sessions tailored for specific events

  • Such as: Special occasions, stress reduction during exam periods, entertainment, and birthday parties

* Completed by a facilitator who is part of the recreational team

* Does not include precise objectives and specific intervention strategies nor intervention reports

Educational workshops:

  • Bite Prevention and Canine Language Workshop

  • Animal Discovery Educational Workshop

  • Introduction to Zootherapy Workshop

  • Relaxation Workshop

  • Sensory Workshop

  • Bullying Awareness Workshop 

Family/Relationship workshops:

  • Active listening Skills

  • Effective Communication Skills

  • Collaborative Games

  • Conflict Resolution